Decorating our Town for Christmas
Who was Sal. S. Bury and what did he have to do with town decorations?
Sal. S. Bury was a large Pumpkin!
Sal S. Bury came to Salisbury for the first time in 1996.
He was raffled as part of a fundraiser to purchase our town’s Christmas decorations and spring bulbs.
In 1996 a town large wide fund raising venture was underway.
On Oct 3, 1996 a Ham and Bean, Brown Bread,Crisp dinner was put on with excellent entertainment.
For the first year, Friends of the Salisbury Free Library received a grant from the New Hampshire Council of the Arts and sponsored The Two Fiddlers with Dudey Laufman Calling.
Cost was $6 for adults and $3 for children and there was a very good crowd.
Town Organizations that participated in this fundraising were:
Historical Society
Friends of the Library
Members of the Rescue Squad
Salisbury Youth Group
Recreation Committee
There were also special donations from:
Weeks Dairy
Mac Donalds of Penacook
Crossroads Country Store
TDS telephone
1996 – 2003 The dinners continued over this time but after awhile the raffle for a new Sal S. Bury pumpkin stopped. Entertainment after the dinner did not continue the whole time. After 2003 the larger events discontinued but fundraising goes on to this day. In addition to funds raised to replenish holiday decorations there has been the purchase of “Smokey the Bear” and the microwave at town hall, to name two. There are many when asked who do lend a hand or their time to continue this work.
We are grateful for their efforts as each spring we can see the daffodils in various spots in town, each Christmas our town buildings look wonderful, Smokey is an eye catcher and the microwave etc.. Much appreciated!

Sal S. Bury

The Museum all decked out for Christmas