Moses Garland was an early setter from the Kingston NH area as were many of Salisbury’s earliest residents.
He likely got his first look at the Salisbury area in the 1760’s as a member of the famous colonial militia unit Roger’s Rangers. It is likely he spent some time at Fort #2 in Franklin along the river which was then Salisbury at the time.
Fort location was 1 road up from the river, at the Webster Farm now Franklin NH rte 3. The road turns right at the Webster Graveyard and a plaque is located on the hillside.
Rogers Ranger’s was an early special forces unit, using the same tactics the indigenous people used: ambush and harassment, eschewing formal battles. Moses Garland was both a Ranger in the French and Indian War and the Revolution.
According to Paul S. Shaw in History of Salisbury Houses:
Moses Garland came from the vacinity of Kingston NH prior to the revolutionary War. After serving in the Continental Army he built his house in 1786 where he “kept tavern for man and beast”. He raised 8 children with Mehitable and was the first keep of the Town Pound which can still be seen today.
According to John Dearborn in the History of Salisbury 1890:
“The tavern was on the old “College Road” and he received a large patronage especially from the old soldiers who made it a tarrying place where they could enjoy their “toddy”, smoke, and tell over old war experiences. He cleared up the field in front of the house and built a log fort and had a muster field for sham fights, Indian pow-wows and athletic sports.
The location of the still standing Moses Garland house is at the northern end of what is now called Whittemore Road. The Town Pound is across from the house as is the location of the Muster field.

Town Pound Remants, Located at the corner of Whittemore Road and the Center (Rangeway) Road, across from the Moses Garland house.
Died: November 13 1821 at the age of 88.
Wife: Mehitable Sleeper, died June 13, 1821 age 78.
Buried: Baptist Cemetery Salisbury Height Rte 4, Salisbury NH